5th Edition, Necropotence, Rare, $7. (mtg proxy cards)

5th Edition Basic Land

CARD         Price
Forest (A)   S0.25
Forest (B)   S0.25
Forest (C)   S0.25
Forest (D)   S0.25
Island (A)   S0.25
Island (B)   S0.25
Island (C)   S0.25
Island (D)   S0.25
Mountain (A) S0.25
Mountain (B) S0.25
Mountain (C) S0.25
Mountain (D) S0.25
Plains (A)   S0.25
Plains (B)   S0.25
Plains (C)   S0.25
Plains (D)   S0.25
Swamp (A)    S0.25
Swamp (B)    S0.25
Swamp (C)    S0.25
Swamp (D)    S0.25


Release Date: 4/28/99
Set Size: 350 Cards (110 Rares, 110 Uncommons, 110 Commons, 20 Basic


Expansion Symbol:

Expansion Code: 6ED
Languages: Chinese-S, Chinese-T, English, French, German, Italian,

 Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish   Set overview: About the only thing memorable about 6th Edition is that it standardized the size of Core sets at 350 cards for the next eight years. Otheirvise, 6th Edition is known as a generally underpowered reprint set. It's the first English core set to feature an expansion symbol. 

Please send email to [email protected] if you have any questions. 
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