PLANAR CHAOS (mtg proxies)


Release Date: 2/2/07

Set Size: 165 Cards (50 Rares, 55 Uncommons, 60 Commons)

Expansion Symbol:
Expansion Code: PLC
Languages: Chinese-S? English, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
  Set overview: Planar Chaos represents an alternate version of Magic's
present (at the time). The conceit is that several cards are color-shifted —

direct reprints of cards changed to a different color/mana cost. These
cards were given a unique frame to represent a "different look"' that Magic
might have had, if the colors were designed differently.

  Key cards include Damnation and Urborg, Tomb ofYawgmoth.

 FUTURE SIGHT Release Date: 5/4/07 Set Size: 180 Cards (60 Rares, 60 Uncommons, 60 Commons) Expansion Symbol: Expansion Code: FUT Languages: Chinese-S, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish   Set overview: Future Sight previewed or demoed a ton of mechanics that were new to Magic — more so than any set before or since. Several of these have been expanded out into full set themes, while others have never appeared again. Cards that explored new design space (either with a new mechanic, or by using an old mechanic in a new way) were given a special "Future Sight'* card frame.   Pound-for-pound, Future Sight is the most valuable and desired Magic set of the Modern era. Tnrmogoyf is considered the marquee card in this set, and creature in all of the Modern format. 

 Please send email to [email protected] if you have any questions.  
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