Now that you have been successfully overwhelmed with how and why to pick a deck, we will now discuss a little about a decks Playtest and Sideboard cards. The most important part of this step is to have a person or persons to play against and test your deck’s power against your opponents! This is a great way to figure out what works for your deck, through how well you do against others and matching up against their decks. Sideboard The sideboard is a very important feature of the game, as it essentially gives you 15 cards to switch out your main deck’s cards with. Essentially, this is a card pile you can draw cards from and switch out with those in your main deck. The catch is that you must draw the same number of cards from both decks when you switch them out. The sideboard feature is for games that are Constructed and have a set amount of cards, as we already have a similar feature built into the Limited format. With the information gained with each deck you bring to the gauntlet and play with opponents, the more you are able to evolve your playing strategy. The more effort and intellect one puts into developing a deck and sizing up to opponents, the greater and more valuable a deck can become in the world of “Magic The Gathering”. magic the gathering proxies mtg proxy proxy mtg cards. Please send email to [email protected] if you have any questions.